Build Emerging Leaders or Risk Tomorrow

September 13, 2024

Thriving organizations recognize the importance of focusing not only on immediate performance but also on developing the next generation of leaders. Emerging leaders—those individuals with high potential and the capacity to influence—are the backbone of sustainable growth and innovation. Building these leaders from within is not just a competitive advantage; it’s a necessity. Furthermore, the consequences of neglecting this critical task can be devastating, as illustrated by the cautionary tale of a once-prominent organization that failed to invest in its future leaders.

The Downfall of a Once-Thriving Company

A well-known, mid-sized technology company was a shining star for many years in its industry. Known for its innovation and market-leading products, the company enjoyed steady growth and profitability. However, its success was built largely on the vision and leadership of a small group of executives who had been with the company since its inception. These leaders were strong at executing but did little to prepare the next generation of leaders. The company’s focus remained on immediate results rather than long-term leadership development.

As the original leaders retired, the absence of a strong leadership pipeline became abundantly clear. With a lack of prepared successors, key decisions were delayed, performance declined, and employee morale dropped amid growing uncertainty. Unable to keep up with their competition, the company’s market share eroded, leading to its eventual decline and a tarnished legacy due to the failure to invest in future leaders.

Why Building Emerging Leaders Matters

This company’s demise underscores the critical importance of developing emerging leaders. Organizations that fail to do so risk losing their competitive advantage and may not be able to survive. Investing in emerging leaders is essential for several reasons:

  1. Future-Proofing the Organization: Developing emerging leaders ensures that an organization is prepared for future challenges. It creates a pipeline of talent ready to step into critical roles as the business evolves.
  1. Employee Engagement and Retention: Employees who see a clear path to leadership are more engaged and likely to stay with the organization. This reduces turnover and helps retain institutional knowledge.
  1. Fostering Innovation: Emerging leaders bring fresh perspectives and are often more adaptable to change. They are key drivers of innovation and productivity, helping organizations stay ahead in a competitive market.
  1. Cultural Continuity: By cultivating leaders from within, organizations can maintain and evolve their culture, ensuring that all employes – current and future – stay aligned with the organization's core values and mission.

The Challenges in Developing Emerging Leaders

Despite the clear benefits, many organizations struggle to build a robust pipeline of emerging leaders. Common challenges include:

  • Identifying the Right Talent: Spotting potential leaders early in their careers can be difficult without the right tools, processes, and metrics.
  • Providing Appropriate Development Opportunities: Leadership development requires more than just technical skills training. It demands a focus on soft skills, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence.
  • Ensuring Cultural Fit: Leaders must embody the organization’s values to perpetuate the desired culture. Aligning leadership development with cultural goals can be challenging, especially in large or diverse organizations.

How tru® Can Change the Outcome

Had the technology company in our story invested in a platform like tru®, the outcome might have been very different. tru® is uniquely positioned to address leadership development challenges and support organizations in building a strong bench of emerging leaders. Here’s how tru® can play a crucial role in developing a strong leadership pipeline:

  1. Dynamic Discovery of Strengths and Potential: tru® employs a science-backed methodology that identifies an individual's Achievement DNA—their inherent strengths, motivators, and areas of fulfillment. This insight allows organizations to flag potential leaders early and pinpoint their unique power skills that can be honed.  
  1. Personalized Development Paths: Assisted by the tru® platform, emerging leaders can create personalized leadership development plans that align with both the individual's aspirations and the organization’s needs. This approach ensures that emerging leaders are not only prepared but also motivated for the right leadership role.
  1. Creating a High Performing Culture: tru® provides a common framework to tap into each team member’s aspirations and objectives.  Armed with such insights, emerging leaders are better equipped to shape the work environment to unlock the best from each contributor and ensure alignment to the organization’s overall mission.


The technology company’s downfall serves as a powerful reminder of what can happen with a lack of focus on leadership development. Building emerging leaders is not a one-time effort but an ongoing strategic priority. By leveraging the tru® platform, organizations can effectively identify and unlock the full potential of their emerging leaders, ensuring success today and for tomorrow.  

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